For general information about HIPAA, including whether you are a covered entity, please visit the HIPAA section at.
#Npi lookup org code
The taxonomy code for marriage and family therapists is 106H00000X the taxonomy code for social workers is 104100000X and the taxonomy code for psychologists is 103T00000X. To speed completion of the Application Form, I have included the relevant taxonomy codes here.
#Npi lookup org license
To download a National Provider Identifier Application Form, go to The National Provider Identifier Application Form will request a Provider Taxonomy Code, which is used to classify the provider by license type. To obtain the NPI on-line, go to and click on the link for health care providers. sf: NPI, name.full, providertype, addrpractice.full: A comma-separated list of fields (or path to record json object) to be searched. Thousands of users a day use our site to lookup NPI, UPIN, ICD-9.
#Npi lookup org free
Since 2001 we have offered billing data to HME (Home Medical Equipment) providers and have since expanded to all providers with our free NPI (National Provider Identifier) Registry Search. If you are a covered entity under HIPAA and you need to obtain an NPI, or if you are not a covered entity but you want to obtain an NPI, the NPI may be obtained on-line from the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System. NPI, name.full, providertype, addrpractice.full: A comma-separated list of display fields (from the fields section below) which are intended for the user to see when looking at the results. is the most popular privately run NPI registry database search website. Once enumerated, the provider's NPI will not change. Providers who are covered entities must get NPIs by May 23, 2007, although insurance companies are encouraging them to get NPIs now.
#Npi lookup org professional
Keep in mind that a provider can be an individual person, such as a licensee in private practice, or a partnership, a professional counseling corporation, or a nonprofit agency.

Once assigned, the NPI identifies that particular provider when conducting electronic transactions, such as determining eligibility, submitting claims for reimbursement, or getting treatment authorized. The NPI, which is one of the component parts of HIPAA, is an alphanumeric character that is assigned by the federal government to providers who are covered entities under HIPAA providers who are not covered entities do not have to obtain NPIs, but they may do so, if they desire.

In the last month or so, CAMFT has received inquiries concerning the National Provider Identifier ("NPI").