Such showcased weapons and attachments include M203 grenade launchers, and the AN/PEQ-2 Target Pointer for use in conjunction with night vision goggles, MP5SD submachine guns, the M4A1 Grenadier, and the FGM-148 Javelin portable anti-tank guided missile among many others. The series' move to modern warfare has also introduced a variety of new modern weapons and technology to be introduced to the Call of Duty franchise. 8.2 IGN Rating - Rate Game 8.1 288 Ratings 93 348 Recommended Are You Playing Rate Game Overview Playlists Reviews HowLongToBeat 7 hrs Main Story 9 hrs Story + Sides 15. There is also a variety of cameo-style missions where you play as various other soldiers such as an AC-130 Spectre Gunship gunner, or as one part of a two-man sniper team behind enemy lines in a flashback-style mission.Ĭall of Duty 4: Modern Warfare focuses on the variation of modern warfare as an infantry soldier by allowing the player to control soldiers in a vast number of different scenarios, straying away from the constant straightforward action of previous Call of Duty titles and allowing for both heavy intensity fire fights and slower paced drama styled intensity. The game moves away from the standard three country-specific campaign style, and allows the plot to play through more like a film style plot with interlaced story lines from the perspective of the player as Paul Jackson, a member of the United States Marine Corps 1st Force Recon and "Soap" MacTavish, a member of the British 22nd SAS Regiment. The game also became available on Steam on Novemfor pre-purchase and is available to play as of November 12, 2007.Ĭall of Duty 4: Modern Warfare introduces a variety of game play styles into the single player campaign completely new to the Call of Duty series. Everything is updated and beautiful, without losing a single. 81 Generally favorable reviews based on 27 Critic Reviews Whats this User Score 2. It was released on Novemin North America, on Novemin Australia, and on Novemin Europe. Ultimately, Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered might be the best remaster Ive ever played.
It is the fourth installment in the Call of Duty video game series (excluding expansions), the first not to be set during World War II. Captain Price is epic soldier who can change the whole battle. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a first-person shooter developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision for Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC. Based on 304 reviews Add your rating Parents say (105) Kids say (304) Sort by: Most Helpful RedSpetsnaz Teen, 13 years old Decemage 10+ Viktor, elektrichestvo pogasló Awesome and nostalgic game.